Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter activities on our shelves...

I nearly forgot to show you all about the bits and pieces kids have been doing in the classroom in relation to our winter theme. It hasn't stopped! I usually find January quite long, bleak and monotonous. But January 2014 has been different so far!
And I love it just as much as the children do! 

I presented a new activity on our practical life shelves: sorting out "snow balls" (basically cotton wool and white pompoms of different sizes). 

Oh, and we also added this little activity for younger children who need to develop the little muscles of their fingers and their pincer grasp. I decorated a plastic container and filled it in with balls of cotton wool. The purpose of the game: emptying the snowman and filling it in again. bigger kids can use tongs again to make the exercise a little bit more complicated.

In literacy, we have been practising name recognition. We did this last year too. Children have to find the letters of their name and place them in order to write their name. Very popular.

Usually, in art & craft, we paint snowmen on black card paper. this year, I wanted to do a little variation. I bought doilies of different sizes and you can figure out the rest... Children got to pick the buttons, the googly eyes and the scarf. One little boy decided to create a patchwork for his snowman's scarf (see the last picture). 

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